Heartbleed und Password zurückgesetz

  • Wegen der Wichtigkeit und Eile der Meldung hier das Zitat:

    Pille: "Diese Technologie ist nicht mein Gebiet."
    Spock: "Ist sie hoch entwickelt?"

    :tak: Zorag :tech: Jordon :wiss: R'Intik

  • Joh,

    nur das ich im Moment gar nicht darüber lachen kann.
    Natürlich haben die eine Mail bekommen..und was schreiben sie zurück?

    Response Via Email (Customer Support) 07/23/2014 03:38 PM

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Don't worry, your password was proactively changed as a part of our security measure. Visit the link below and change your password.

    Forget password - Arc

    Changing your password is a step to ensure your account is protected.

    If you used the same password on any other sites, we encourage you to change your password on those sites too. We would like to specifically call out users who might have the same password on their email accounts.

    Rest assured that we take the security of your personal information seriously, and we’re working hard to continue to improve and refine our security measures as we move forward.

    I hope this information helps and if you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to let me know.


    :dash: :dash:

    Die glauben wohl ich bin deppert.
    Nur blöd das das "neue" Paßwort auch nicht funktioniert...

    "Da lacht das Herz wenn's was zu fressen gibt"
    (Dr. Carlo Pedersoli alias Bud Spencer)

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